
This information is based on the current state of knowledge of NALMAT Trzebinia and is provided to describe the product. They cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of its properties. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the suitability of the product for the specific application and to ensure a safe workplace and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Contact cleaner

A high quality, solvent based electric cleaner which quickly dissolves oxide films and restores full power to electrical components. Protects against oxidation and moisture.

  • For cleaning electrical and electronic components
  • Dissolves and blows away dust and dirt
  • Restores electrical conductivity
  • Displaces moisture
  • Does not leave a "film" after evaporation
  • Safe for delicate elements
Contact Cleaner

This information is based on the current state of knowledge of NALMAT Trzebinia and is provided to describe the product. They cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of its properties. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the suitability of the product for the specific application and to ensure a safe workplace and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

See also

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