
This information is based on the current state of knowledge of NALMAT Trzebinia and is provided to describe the product. They cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of its properties. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the suitability of the product for the specific application and to ensure a safe workplace and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


CIA-PP Set is a complete set for bonding PP, PE, PTFE, silicone and other difficult-to-bond materials. Contains modified instant adhesive and primer. The primer permits polyolefins (PP,PE), PTFE and silicones to be bonded together. Bonding materials just with adhesive and no primer achieves adherence but no firm bonding.

  • For bonding polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE)
  • Very fast repair time
  • Invisible, colorless joint
  • Waterproof, weather resistance
  • Resistant to chemicals

This information is based on the current state of knowledge of NALMAT Trzebinia and is provided to describe the product. They cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of its properties. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the suitability of the product for the specific application and to ensure a safe workplace and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

See also

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